Granville South Creative and Performing Arts High School

A community and selective school emphasising student engagement

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Year 8 and 9 SmArts program with Australian Film Television and Radio School

Year 8 and 9 SmArts program with Australian Film Television and Radio School.

Selected Year 8 and 9 students participated in SmArts, a four-day program run by The Smith Family and delivered by AFTRS (Australian Film, Television and Radio School).

Students spent three days in in-school workshops learning about podcast genres and styles, developing content ideas, structuring short podcasts, selecting target audiences, and using software to record and edit their podcasts.

They also had the opportunity to spend one day at the Australian Radio Network (ARN), where they were fortunate to meet radio hosts and staff from KIIS 1065 Sydney, WSFM 101.7 Sydney, and CADA.

Students gained practical skills and experience in news reading, podcasting, and creating radio commercials.

A big thank you to Ellen from The Smith Family for organising this great opportunity, and to Melissa Femia from AFTRS for delivering this wonderful program to our students.