Our careers advisor is Ms Rama who is located in E block office. Ms Rama is available to see students during recess and lunch. Students are encouraged to make an appointment with Ms Rama prior to seeing her.
Work experience program
In the support unit, students are given the opportunity to be involved in a work experience program which takes place every Friday. The program is an extension of the travel training program that the students participate in during their junior years.
The purpose of this program is for our students to gain experience and an understanding of the working world. Through this program students learn many skills. These skills include:
- time management
- working in a team environment
- problem solving
- dealing with customers
- how to travel independently to and from the workplace.
Over the years students have worked at various places such as Kmart in Merrylands, Target Bankstown and Bunnings in Villawood.
As a result, many students have gained casual employment through this program as well as apprenticeships.
A guide for students and parents relating to the work experience program.
Information about work experience - what is work experience? (PDF 405KB)
Use the following document to approach an employer - employer contact letter (PDF 258KB)
Student workplacement record document - student placement record (PDF 125KB)
Work experience attendance record - work attendance record (PDF 26KB)
Work experience employer report - work employer report (PDF 63KB)