Year 7 integrated sport
At Granville South Creative and Performing Arts High School, Year 7 participate in four periods of integrated sport. These periods are in addition to the physical education lessons that make up the practical component of their personal development, health and physical education course. These sessions take the form of two double periods a week, and provide Year 7 students with the opportunity to participate in a school based sports program that includes summer and winter sports such as soccer, basketball, touch football, netball, cricket and European handball. Students are given the opportunity to build their confidence by competing against their peers in preparation for their entry into the schools grade sport competition the following year.
Grade sport
During Terms 1 to 3, students in Years 8 to 10 at Granville South Creative and Performing Arts High School are given the opportunity to try out for grade sport teams. Grade sport is Prospect zone's inter-school competitive sports competition where students from schools across all of Prospect zone compete on in a range of winter and summer sports. These games take place during Tuesday afternoon sport and are played at both home venues and away venues. Students who successfully try out for grade sport teams will be required to purchase a $30 bus pass that entitles students to five return trips.
Schools that Granville South Creative and Performing Arts High School challenges as part of the grade sport competition include:
- Merrylands High School
- Granville Boys High School
- Parramatta High School
- Pendle Hill High School
- Auburn Girls High School
- Arthur Phillip High School
Knockout sport
Granville South Creative and Performing Arts High School also offers students the opportunity to get involved in a wide range of knockout sports. The Sydney West School Sports Association offers schools in the region the opportunity to put together school teams for mainstream sports such as basketball, soccer, rugby league, netball and cricket, to more obscure sports such as lawn bowls and table tennis and challenge other schools within the Sydney West region. Knockout games can occur both in school time and outside of school time, and more details regarding specific tournaments will be provided to interested students as games approach. Students will generally be bused to venues using the school's minibuses, with costs ranging from $5-$10.
Sydney West championships
Students are also given the opportunity to trial for Prospect zone sporting teams that compete in Sydney West championships throughout the year. Sports organisers in Prospect zone schools will notify students in their schools when different trial opportunities arise. These trials are generally held after school hours and at the school of the staff member in charge of that particular sport. It is the responsibility of students to make their own way to these venues if they are interested in trailing for these teams. Successful students will make up a Prospect zone team and compete at Sydney West regional championships. Teams or individuals that succeed at this level will progress to play state level competition.
Footwear guidelines for NSW government schools
The guidelines are available on the Department's occupational health and safety website.
These guidelines have been developed to provide advice in relation to footwear, and the importance of staff, students and visitors wearing sensible footwear in preventing injury.
Footwear is an important safety item. Shoes with a good sole can improve grip on surfaces and can assist in preventing accidents such as slips, trips and falls from occurring. Footwear can also provide a protective barrier and protect feet for injury caused by falling objects or spillages.
The guidelines consolidate advice previously published by the department in a number of policies and procedures. The guidelines provide advice in relation to:
- Areas, activities or sites where safe footwear must be worn
- Footwear for staff in the general school environment
- Implementing the guidelines at your school
Sports carnival
Granville South Creative and Performing Arts High School will hold three whole school carnivals throughout the year. Each of these carnivals is a compulsory school day and all students are expected to attend. Parents are also invited to attend any of these events. Students will compete in their house groups — red, blue, green or yellow, and will accrue points for their houses through their participation. Students performing well at these carnivals will be selected to represent the school at the Prospect zone sports carnivals later in the year.
Swimming carnival
The school swimming carnival will be held at Parramatta pool and will commence at approximately 9:30am and finish at approximately 2:30pm. Students will be given the opportunity to either meet at school or at the venue and must indicate their preference on the permission note. Students meeting at school will catch a bus from the school grounds with supervising teachers, the cost of which will be approximately $8-$10. In addition, students' level of swimming capabilities must also be indicated. If your child is a poor swimmer, please tick the appropriate box to ensure your son/daughter does not enter any competitive events. Students will be given the opportunity to race in competitive, 50m races in all swimming strokes, as well as novelty events that do not require swimming experience. Entry to the pool generally costs students between $2-$4.

Athletics carnival
The school athletics carnival is held at Wyatt Park, Auburn, at the Wests athletics field. This carnival commences at 9:30am and finishes at approximately 2:30pm. Students will be given the opportunity to either meet at school or at the venue and must indicate their preference on the permission note. Students meeting at school will catch a bus from the school grounds with supervising teachers, the cost of which will be approximately $8-$10. Students will be competing in such events as 100m, long jump, high jump, discuss and shot put.

Cross country carnival
The school cross country is held at Campbell Hill Pioneer Reserve. Students will meet at school at the normal school time and attend roll call and periods 1 and 2 as normal. Following recess, students will walk to Campbell Hill Reserve under the direct supervision of staff. The course length is approximately 4km and staff and students will be placed at regular intervals along the course to supervise the event and ensure student safety. At the conclusion of the carnival, students will walk back to school under the supervision of teachers and be dismissed at the normal time.
Information regarding Prospect zone carnivals will be provided to successful students as those carnivals approach. Venues for zone carnivals vary depending on the organising school.

Year 11 sport
Year 11 students are being given the opportunity to remove sport from their pattern of study in the preliminary Record of School Achievement (RoSA) year. In light of the new Department of Education and communities sport and physical activity guidelines students will still be given the opportunity to participate in sport through the various carnivals, knockout and gala day events the school enters throughout the year.
Year 11 sport currently occurs on Friday's period 5 and 6. If your child has completed all mandatory work required of them in Term 1 sport time, they can choose 1 of the following options:
- Remove sport from their timetable and leave school at lunch time on a Friday. Students must return the attached permission note indicating that they want Year 11 sport removed from their timetable and that they understand that this means they must leave school at lunch time on a Friday.
- Leave sport on their timetable and remain at school engaged in sport sessions supervised by a teacher. All students who do return their permission note will remain in a sport class and must stay at school until the end of period 6.
- Ensemble students - Remove sport from their timetable and have ensembles added. This will be done automatically for students in ensembles. These students will be expected to attend ensembles on a Friday afternoon and will not have permission to leave at lunch on a Friday.
Note: Students who are failing to meet preliminary RoSA requirements, as indicated by warning letters sent home, may be expected to stay at school on Friday afternoons with supervision to complete work. Parents will be notified. In addition, there may be some circumstances where students have made arrangements to work with staff with prior appointments and parent notification.